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Sun, 1-Sep-24 11:06 PM (18 days ago)
Jumped off a 3 meter ''dive tower'' (?) First time in 15 years
Sat, 7-Sep-24 5:53 AM (13 days ago)
Just had 2 sugar free frozen Popsicles nice and cold and it is nearly Midnight, how naughty of me, never mind I like to have something cold in the evening and I need someting to take my meds with lol.
Suisen likes this
Tue, 3-Sep-24 12:28 PM (16 days ago)
Lillan went through car inspection with flying colors (and i blogged a sauce)
Thu, 8-Aug-24 12:35 PM (42 days ago)
So the neighbor frog (from pond) came to visit, quite the jumper
So the animal visits continues, a bat flew in the balcony door.. (we avoided hitting a deer on the roadside this afternoon)
(32 days ago)
MaroonFox187 likes this
Aww a tiny itty bitty lizzard today, soo cute, i dont think ive seen a lizzard in 30 years
(31 days ago)
MaroonFox187 likes this
Sun, 28-Jul-24 7:08 PM (53 days ago)
Bought some new stereo equipment which came with some free Apple Music months. Falling back in love with some Allman Brothers, and lots of Stevie Ray Vaughn. 🎶
Leonardo and MaroonFox187 like this
Sun, 30-Jun-24 4:50 AM (82 days ago)
Hey there. Sorry for me being AFK for a while, I have been in hospital and then in rehab for two months, I had a kind of an accident where my leg would not bend. Well I am here now
Sun, 16-Jun-24 7:14 AM (96 days ago)
Back in Höllviken, theres a bunny under the house, the squirrel found a friend (mate?) and the deers are roaming the street (i saw Bambi)
Leonardo likes this
Leonardo likes this
Leonardo and FreeBat819 like this
Leonardo likes this
Congrats to u too, boss, for keeping this up for 10 years
(110 days ago)
Fstop and Paint_itLady like this
Wed, 15-May-24 2:47 PM (127 days ago)
The other day i saved a bird 🐦⬛ breaking its neck trying to get out of our house, today i called the fire brigade, no one had called?? but they were watching??
Leonardo likes this
Wed, 10-Apr-24 1:40 AM (163 days ago)
I feel pretty good right now, like the first day of the rest of my life!!!!
Sun, 17-Mar-24 2:29 PM (186 days ago)
Have a chicken wing on the terass bannister, trying to catch the Red Kite on video
ElleFoxie likes this
Leonardo likes this
Tue, 26-Mar-24 6:32 PM (177 days ago)
To all Moderators on this site, I have sent a PM to Site Admin regarding some members who are on the wrong site for pickups, hook ups or different adult stuff. We shall see
OldManEmu likes this
Fri, 23-Feb-24 6:30 AM (210 days ago)
Harvey went to the vets last week, he had inoculations, weight checked and a pedicure. Now he won't stick his claws in me when he sleeps on my lap with his head resting on the laptop and gets restless
Leonardo likes this
Mon, 12-Feb-24 5:13 AM (221 days ago)
thanks to whoever got that for me, I hit the wrong reason ! doh !! lol
Leonardo likes this
Tue, 13-Feb-24 7:21 PM (219 days ago)
Another soup night, with sausage coins, served with oven heated buns with garlic butter... *drooling*